Welcome to your personal coaching dashboard! We invite you to view any and all materials that look interesting to you, but if you’d like some guidance, follow our suggested steps below.
Welcome to your personal coaching dashboard! Before signing in, please ensure that you have
completed the verification process you received in your email. To get started, please follow the
three steps below to sign in and learn more about using your account.
Note: If you haven't received your account verification email, please check your spam or junk
folders. Look for an email with the subject line: New account setup - verification.
Is this your first time logging in? You will need to update your password!
https://cccassessments.comThese videos can also be found in the "Resource Center" on your account dashboard page.
This Admin Quick Setup Steps PDF gives you 3 quick steps to get your admin dashboard configured.
In the Resource Center module, review the available training materials. These materials are for your education and can also be used as marketing and training materials for your clients. These educational materials are a great opportunity for you to run sessions for your clients.
We recommend taking demo assessments to learn more about a particular assessment. You can do this by clicking on the DEMO ASSESSMENTS button in your resource center on the home page of your account.
Identify at least one customer who you believe can benefit from one or more of your assessments and send them a sample link to take it. Would you like a personalized dashboard tour? Contact us at [email protected]
Schedule your appointment with Angie at www.assessments24x7.com/angie
When used in business, quality assessments are flexible and capable of embracing optimization for a complete professional spectrum - customer service, vocational, technical, sales, management or executive needs. It's important for employees to have the necessary skills to demonstrate the attitudes and behaviors that would enable them to succeed within each company's unique environment.
Assessments 24x7 developed a variety of robust assessment certification programs, designed specifically for coaches, consultants and trainers to take their businesses to the next level. Each of our certification programs are blended learning modalities, including self-paced learning for your convenience and 1-on-1 instructor-led sessions (via Zoom or Skype). These are not cookie-cutter online classes, but flexible training curriculums tailored to your specific needs and goals.