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Introducing DISC Collaboration and Sales IQ Plus [Webinar]

Posted 9 years ago

Did you miss last month’s webinar hosted by Dr. Tony Alessandra? Tony revealed two new groundbreaking assessments recently released and NOW AVAILABLE to Assessments 24×7 clients!  Webinar host, Dr. Tony is a Hall-of-Fame Keynote Speaker and bestselling author –so if you use assessments or are even considering assessments, this is one webinar you won’t want to miss.  Watch it now!

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The new DISC Collaboration Report compares any two individuals side-by-side: displaying their strengths, challenges, behavioral tendencies and communication best practices.   Immediately resolve conflicts or even prevent them before they happen.  Use this DISC report with managers and their direct reports, amongst co-workers or even between managers themselves.
Sales IQ Plus is a “sales skills test” jointly developed by best-selling authors Jeffrey Gitomer (The Sales Bible), Jim Cathcart (Relationship Selling) and Dr. Tony Alessandra (The Platinum Rule for DISC Sales Mastery). Sales IQ Plus measures a sales professional’s understanding of the strategies required to sell successfully in any sales environment, making it the perfect training and developmental tool.]]>