DISC behavioral assessment, but other popular assessments will work too. DISC is an acronym for the four primary behavioral drivers: dominance, influence, conscientiousness, and steadiness. Dominant (High ‘D’ Styles) people are decisive risk-takers who speak boldly and confidently. Those driven by influence (High ‘I’ Styles) are apt to intertwine emotion with work, and they are interested in forming social bonds. Steady (High ‘S’ Styles) people are cooperative and composed, and approach their work consistently and methodically. People with a bent towards conscientiousness (High ‘C’ Styles) prioritize accuracy and precision, and tend to me more guarded and tactful in their expression. Take a DISC online assessment to accurately determine your DISC Style. If you are not able to take a DISC online assessment, no problem. You can also self-identify your style based on two questions:
- Are you more open (emotive) or guarded (controlled)?
- Are you more direct (faster-paced) or indirect (slower-paced)?
Based on your answers to these two questions, your primary style is:
D – Direct and guarded
I – Direct and open
S – Indirect and open
C – Indirect and guarded Once you have found your DISC Style, you can get begin making your management style more palatable to others who might not share the same DISC Style as you. Here are ways a manager, performing as an effective situational leader, can round off some of the sharper edges of his or her DISC style:
If you are a DOMINANT High ‘D’ Style… Ratchet down a notch or two! Keep in mind that others have feelings and that your hard-charging, know-it-all style can make your subordinates feel inadequate and resentful. Accept that mistakes will occur, and try to temper justice with mercy. You might even joke about errors you make, rather than trying to always project a super-human image. Dominant Directors can encourage growth in others in at least two ways: by praising employees when they do something well, and by giving direct reports a measure of authority and then staying out of their way so they can use it. Whatever you lose in control, you’re likely to gain in commitment and improved staff competency. Try not to be quite so bossy. Ask others’ opinions, and maybe — though this is extreme for a Dominant Director — even plan some collaborative actions.
If you are an INFLUENCING High ‘I’ Style… Your people depend on you not just for ideas, which you are very adept at generating, but also for coordination, with which you are probably less comfortable. So anything you can do to become more organized — making lists, keeping your calendar current, prioritizing goals — will pay big dividends for both you and your team. Nothing’s so dispiriting as to see the boss drop the ball on important matters. So, remember: if you fail to follow-up, procrastinate on tough decisions, or make pledges you don’t keep, your employees will lose faith. Even though you don’t do those things purposely, your direct reports will feel as if you’re letting them down. Your charm and warmth can’t compensate for unreliability. Also, come to grips with the fact that conflicts are going to occur. Try to deal with them up front instead of sweeping them under the rug. In addition, organize your time better and strive to keep your socializing in balance with your tasks.
If you are a STEADY High ‘S’ Style… You are probably a well-liked boss. Your goal should be to become a more effective well-liked boss. Learn to stretch a little, taking on more, or different, duties and trying to accomplish them more quickly. You may want to be more assertive as well as more open about your thoughts and feelings. Experiment with taking small risks. Being sensitive to your employees’ feelings is one of your greatest strengths. However, you must seek a middle ground between that and being knocked off balance by the first negative comment or action that comes your way. Try to develop a thicker skin for the good of the team.
If you are a CONSCIENTIOUS High ‘C’ Style… Your high standards are a double-edged sword. Your employees are inspired by your quest for excellence, but they might feel frustrated because they can never quite seem to please you. One of the best things you can do is lessen and soften your criticism, spoken or unspoken. Bear in mind that you’re inclined to come off as stern in certain situations. Ease up on your need to control, and attempt to project a more social persona. Walk around and spend more time with the troops, chatting up people at the water cooler or in the lunchroom. Realize the fact that you can have high standards without requiring perfection in each instance. That’ll take a load off your shoulders — and off your employees’ as well. Whatever your DISC style, being adaptable can help you to build bridges to your employees and make them feel valued. By learning to best respond to their interests, concerns, strengths, and weaknesses, you can get the most from your people as well as leave them more satisfied.
Dr. Tony Alessandra earned his PhD in marketing (1976) and has authored 30+ books and 100+ audio/video programs. He was inducted into the NSA Speakers Hall of Fame (1985) & Top Sales World’s Hall of Fame (2010).
He is also the CEO of
Assessments24x7, a company that equips coaches, consultants and companies with dozens of assessments (DISC, Motivators, HVP, etc.) from one, easy-to-use automated online account. Interested in one of these assessment accounts? To receive more info, fill out