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CEO Update, Brandon Parker 4th Quarter 2020

Posted 4 years ago

It’s time for our 4th Quarter 2020 update from CEO Brandon Parker. We’ve got the summary below, but be sure to watch the video for all the details!

“The response to our new hiring and selection solution, HireSense, was overwhelming! Be sure to check out the recording and slides of our HireSense overview webinar here. We are incredibly excited that so many of you want to use it and “become the hiring expert” for your clients. If this is your first time hearing about this, be sure to get into contact with our sales team or go visit HireSense.com.

One of my own personal highlights this year was hiring Angie Fairbanks. She has spent most of her career in the coaching industry, and for her to bring her vast experience to work with us was a real milestone for the company. She recently presented her first Assessments 24x7 webinar on the subject of using DISC to scale up coaching businesses, and it was our most highly attended webinar so far. If you missed it, you can find the replay on our website, and I’d highly recommend it to every coach out there.

Now, for what’s on the horizon. Two new DISC-related products. The first is our Relationship Report, and the second is one that LOTS of you have been asking for for a very long time….Kids & Youth DISC. The Relationship Report will be a big selling point for many of you. This one will certainly be helpful for personal relationships, but there are just as many applications for it in business relationships. On the Kids DISC side, we are working with Take Flight Learning to develop a brand new report, and we could not be more excited about it. We’ve batted this one around in meetings for years, but the timing has just never been right until now. Cathy Hanson, who many of you may know from her training and certifications, is working closely with Merrick Rosenberg’s team from Take Flight, and trust me, they are creating something special that will help a lot of children and families. I’ve already started applying the suggestions from the reports to my own daughter, and it’s been a real eye-opening, positive experience for both of us. We’re planning to launch both Kids DISC and the Relationship Reports in the 1st quarter of 2021, so keep an eye out for the announcements.

Now you know what to look for in 2021, but 2020 isn’t over yet! We have one more webinar before this year ends, and we’re going to present the best takeaways from our entire 2020 webinar series, how we’ve implemented those ideas, and how you can use them in 2021.

I hope this message finds all of you well in both your business and personal lives, and I want you to know that we truly appreciate the fact that you are a part of our Assessments 24x7 family. As always, be sure to reach out to me or anyone on our team if you have questions or if there is any way we can help you.”

Backpacking & fishing in the Sierra Nevada Mountains with my daughter, Fall 2020.