Posted 2 years ago
We’ve had an incredible summer here in the Pacific Northwest. It was an unusually rainy spring, and everything is growing like crazy now. The timing of this fits because growth is what is on my mind for this quarterly update! I’m constantly assessing the state of our business, which always includes reviewing the assessments that you, our clients, value the most.
It’s probably not a surprise to any of you that DISC is our most used, most beneficial product. What I’d like to highlight, though, is that it’s not just any DISC that you all love. You specifically like the Assessments 24x7 DISC. We’ve heard it from many of you, and we appreciate it because we have worked HARD to make it such a great product. All DISC assessments are not created equal, and we are incredibly proud to have one of the few independently validated DISC assessments in the industry. If you’re interested in the details, visit our validation page. I highly recommend using validation as a selling point with your clients, as it is a true differentiator.
Now back to growth…in addition to seeing more usage of DISC than ever before, we have partners and clients worldwide finding great success with HireSense, another product based on DISC. I'm also absolutely over the moon about the expansion and growth of Kids DISC. Just this week, we launched an all-NEW Teacher's Guide, and the feedback from parents, teachers, and kids taking the assessment has been incredible. I truly feel like we’ve got something pretty special going here at Assessments 24x7.
Keeping with our theme of growth, we’ve made some major upgrades to our server network and technology behind the scenes. This includes the assessment dashboard that you likely use regularly. Our goal with this type of growth is to make it so seamless for you, our users, that you can enjoy 24/7 access to your dashboard with no issues, and we think we’re hitting the mark.
I hope this message also finds you in a growth phase of your business, and I want to remind you that we are an extension of your team, so please let us know how we can support you!