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CEO Update, Brandon Parker 2nd Quarter 2021

Posted 3 years ago

Watch the video above for CEO Brandon Parker’s 2nd Quarter update for 2021. It’s already been a busy year with our Community Hub launch in April. Coming up in May, we’ve got a live Group Certification for DISC and the launch that MANY of you have been waiting for...our Kids DISC Assessment!

Last November we made our first announcement about Kids DISC. After talking about it many times over the years, we decided it was time to make it happen. So our team and the team at Take Flight Learning have been working hard to make Kids DISC a reality. We were excited about it then, and every step of the process has just confirmed the feeling that we are making something exceptional with the Kids DISC assessment. Now, just six months after that original announcement, it’s time to launch! We have an assessment and a report that we are incredibly proud to present to you all. This assessment will be a game-changer for everyone that interacts with children: parents, teachers, coaches, counselors, and the kids themselves! I’m so excited for you all to use this assessment and see the accompanying report. You can find it right now at GetKidsDISC.com. Be sure to let us know what you think!

If you haven’t checked it out yet, we want to encourage you to join our Assessments 24x7 Community Hub. Many of our top coaches are posting there, and Angie Fairbanks, our Chief Coaching Officer, spends a lot of time there, answering questions, posting suggestions, and offering advice on best practices. You can find all this great information at community.assessments24x7.com!